You can find here presentations on our nine showcase projects directly related to and supported by AMBI platform.
Creating value in digital economy
Value creation in the digital economy is at the heart of the AMBI platform. The platform and the showcase projects within the platform harness the power of analytics and business modeling to better understand the drivers of value and value creation in the digital economy. AMBI holds the required high-quality to succeed in obtaining financing from the Academy of Finland or European Financing.
World´s 1st techno-economic model for the mining industry, important results for optimizing running the mine, strong international academic and industrial collaboration, high impact publications and presentations (Fields Institute), models that can also be used in other industries, external financing.
The 1st team on fuzzy logic and possibility theory in Finland, very strong publication record, number of new similarity-based classifiers created by Stoklasa-Luukka-Collan. The transformation between probabilistic and possibilistic moments, strong international and national academic network, industry collaboration, external financing, high scientific community impact.
Emerging cross-disciplinary field of research around smart supply chain management and flexible digital additive manufacturing that allow for rapid changes in the production of goods and components and acts as a remedy in the event of shocks in supply.
Driving sustainable growth
AMBI has a strong focus on sustainable growth in terms of business models that ensure business survival, supporting data-based sustainable decision-making, using modern manufacturing methods to minimize raw-material usage. In addition sustainable growth is examined from a perspective of societal adaptation to the digital transformation in the industry.
Strong body of contributions to the theory and methodology of real option valuation, first fully possibilistic real option valuation method, new simulation based methodologies and spin-off methods, high number of publications with good impact, real-world use of the methods by the industry, the 1st group on real option analysis in Finland.
A 3+3 year (6,4M€) project financed by the Finnish Strategic Research Council. The MFG4.0 focuses on the strategies for technological, economic, educational and social policy adoption to the digital transformation in manufacturing. The consortium is composed of seven working packages; four from LUT University and the other three from University of Helsinki, University of Turku, and University of Jyväskylä.
Related Publications:
More information:
Prof. Kari Ullakko (Consortium Director)
Prof. Mikael Collan (Business Analytics)
Prof. Heidi Piili (Additive Manufacturing)
Dr. Ville Laitinen (Materials Research)
Advanced design, manufacturing, and processing
The platform concentrates on developing optimized product design for digital manufacturing by coupling design with smart pre-construction analysis of the end-product through digital-twin simulation technology. Internal LUT University collaboration creates solutions for problems found within separation technology and water purification drive the research.
A strong internal collaboration of LUT University on how the efficiency of separation and purification can be remarkably increased by creating more suitable component geometries with additive manufacturing.
A joint project with University of Trento (ITA) on making maintenance smarter by developing smart maintenance analytics and policies and just-in-time maintenance business models based on additive manufacturing. In addition to internal and international collaboration, AMBI has Aalto University as a national partner.
Energy market change and industrial impacts
The activities within the AMBI platform contribute towards a better understanding of how regulation and support mechanisms that are in use in the energy sector affect the energy markets participants and stakeholders.
Focus on analyzing the effect on renewable energy support mechanisms, modeling and analyzing o the Russian mechanism (1st one in English). AMBI has both a strong international collaboration and collaboration with the national regulator.
Focus on national electricity transfer pricing, analysis of the rate of return regulation models, cost-benefit of analysis of investments, stakeholder collaboration, collaboration with the national regulator.